i (2023)
i (2023)
SATB choir
Duration: 4’30”
i is a choral setting of the following poem, written by my dad, Rey:
Identity crisis invents the indigo Inspector Sands, his audiophile abiding
idiopathic criticism inverses the indisposition Inspector Sands, his bitch box budding
idleness crock investigations the indium Inspector Sands, his ceramic pickup callow
idyll crone invidious the individualize Inspector Sands, his derive four channel dewy
igloo cropper invitationals the indolent Inspector Sands, his ear blower enduring
ignominy crossbreed invokes the induce Inspector Sands, his fueled audio frozen
indicated-horsepower crossfire invulnerable the indulged Inspector Sands, his gramaphone green
ilium crosspollination iodizes the industrialized Inspector Sands, his high-fidelity hand in glove
illadvised crossway innings-pitched the inebriated Inspector Sands, his intercom intact
illfated crotchety infrared the ineligible Inspector Sands, his jukebox juiced up
illinois crowd irate the inertia Inspector Sands, his kinetic stereo keeping things raw
illstarred cruciate iridiums the inexcusable Inspector Sands, his lance voice lasting
illusage crudity irk the inexpert Inspector Sands, his mono needle maidenly
illustrate cruiser ironic the infallible Inspector Sands, his nickel quadrophonic new
image crummier ironware the infantile Inspector Sands, his out
herod Herod original untouched